GHG Validation and Verification
DAB offers accreditation of greenhouse gas (GHG) validation and verification bodies to ISO 14065.
Internationally Recognised Standards and Protocols for GHG Assertions
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on collaboration and promotion of the ISO 14064 GHG standards and the World Resources Institute (WRI)/ WBCSD GHG Protocol.
Organizations seeking to make GHG assertions that are internationally recognised should look to :
AS ISO 14064.1 – Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals.
AS ISO 14064.2 – Specification with guidance at the project level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions and removal enhancements.
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol - A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol - The GHG Protocol for Project Accounting.
Alternatively, you may seek accreditation for a scheme that DAB does not yet recognize. In this case please contact DAB before proceeding, as the scheme will need to be assessed and some preparation or scheme development may be necessary before your application can be progressed.
The first stage of the accreditation process is to send resume of your organization along. If DAB finds suitable then DAB shall ask the applicant to send a fee of EURO 2,000 towards application fees and after receipt of the application fees, DAB shall send the application form. Subsequently the CAB shall complete and return their application, including relevant documentation requested within the application form, along with the current fees for documentation review of EURO 5,000 per program to the office depending upon the country of your location.
Domestic Regulatory Schemes
Applicants seeking to validate or verify GHG assertions for regulatory schemes, or for the purposes of emissions trading, will need to contact the appropriate regulatory authority. While the regulatory schemes are likely to be in line with the ISO requirements, they all have specific frameworks and requirements which are applicable to validation, verification and GHG assertions within the particular regulatory schemes.
Proprietary Schemes Involving Products or Carbon Neutrality Claims
GAB will consider recognition of proprietary GHG schemes, for example, some GHG schemes involve specific GHG claims relating to products and the marking of products. Where the marking or labeling of products includes a reference to the validation or verification body, then the validation or verification body will be required to comply with the requirements for accreditation of a product certification body and the requirements for accreditation as a validation or verification body.