Benefits Of DAB Accreditation
DAB accreditation delivers a number of important benefits to conformity assessment bodies that enhance confidence in conformity assessment.
Highlight your Competence
By meeting DAB's internationally-recognized policies and procedures on a regular basis you highlight your competence in performing conformity assessment activities.
Demonstrate your Independence
For an effective assessment to occur the independence of the conformity assessment body is paramount. DAB accreditation emphasizes the independence of the conformity assessment body in performing the assessment.
Gain International Recognition
Through the formal arrangements DAB has with a number of international accreditation organizations including the International Council of Accreditation Bodies (ICAB), DAB increases the likelihood of smooth access to overseas markets for companies using DAB accredited certification and inspection services.
Benchmark your Performance
Regular assessments by DAB's audit teams allow you to determine whether you are performing your assessment activities correctly and to appropriate standards, as well as providing your business with a benchmark for measuring future performance.
It's the mark of the Professional
DAB operates in a third party assessment environment. Third party assessment is recognized around the world as the highest level of assessment, and DAB accreditation demonstrates to your customers and others that your conformity assessment services are meeting the highest levels of professionalism in the conformity assessment industry. DAB accepts applications for accreditation from conformity assessment bodies around the world.