How to become Accredited
DAB accepts applications for accreditation from Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) around the world. The five general steps that apply to DAB accreditation are outlined below.
1. Application
CABs identify the accreditation scheme(s) they wish to be accredited for. The current schemes DAB recognizes, along with the application pack, are under the five program headings of Management Systems Certification, Product Certification, Personnel Certification, GHG Validation and Verification and Inspection.
Alternatively, you may seek accreditation for a scheme that DAB does not yet recognize. In this case please contact DAB before proceeding, as the scheme will need to be assessed and some preparation or scheme development may be necessary before your application can be progressed. The first stage of the accreditation process is to send resume of your organization along. If DAB finds suitable then DAB shall ask the applicant to send a fee of EURO 2,000 towards application fees and after receipt of the application fees, DAB shall send the application form. Subsequently the CAB shall complete and return their application, including relevant documentation requested within the application form, along with the current fees for documentation review of EURO 5,000 per program to the office depending upon the country of your location.2. Systems Assessment
DAB reviews the application documents against the relevant accreditation criteria and provides a report to the applicant. The next stage of assessment will not proceed until the documented systems meet requirements.
3. Assessment
DAB selects an assessment team who undertake an on-site assessment at the applicant's offices. The assessment team also witnesses the applicant's team undertaking assessment activity at their client's premises. At the completion of the assessments the assessment team writes a report of their findings along with recommendations. The current fees for assessment audit is EURO 1000 per man-day and all logistic expenses at actual.
4. Review of Assessment Report
DAB forms an Accreditation Review Panel (ARP). Members of this panel are individuals who have expertise in the scope of accreditation sought. The ARP reviews the report and makes a decision regarding accreditation.
5. Accreditation Decision
If accreditation is approved a Certificate of Accreditation is issued. If accreditation is not approved, the applicant is advised of the reasons for the decision. A further application may be considered at a later date.
Once an applicant is accredited regular visits are made to the CAB's offices to assess the CAB's ongoing compliance with the accreditation criteria. DAB also selects a sample of CAB auditors and inspectors for witnessing activities. A complete reassessment takes place every four years.